Local DAR chapter donates backpacks and supplies for homeless veterans

Local DAR chapter donates backpacks and supplies for homeless veterans
SARASOTA, FL – On December 15, representatives from the Sara DeSoto Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution dropped off backpacks and supplies that will be distributed to more than 50 homeless veterans by the team at Goodwill Manasota’s Veterans Services office (8490 Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota).
The donation comes as part of the “Sue’s Backpacks” program of the DAR, spearheaded by member Rebecca Morgan in honor of her late mother, Sue Harris, who led a similar effort through her DAR chapter in another state. Morgan organized the first “Sue’s Backpacks” effort here locally in 2017.
Items that were donated along with the backpacks include handmade blankets, clothing items (such as socks, underwear and T-shirts), baby wipes, razors, deodorant and body spray, toothbrushes and toothpaste, can openers, rain ponchos, gift cards for Target, and snacks. The Veterans Services team will tailor each backpack for the veterans’ individual needs and preferences.
The mission of the DAR – whose members must be able to trace their genealogy back to an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary Way – is “God, Home and Country.” Morgan notes the chapter's focus on historic preservation, education and patriotism, and says that helping veterans is an area of strong focus.
“We want everybody to have a good Christmas,” Morgan says. “Veterans put their lives on the line for our country; I feel like this is the least we could do.”
Community members who wish to support the “Sue’s Backpacks” effort are invited to reach out to Morgan at fldarpatriot@aol.com.
Goodwill’s American Veterans and Their Families Program was created in 2013 to help veterans reintegrate into their families, communities and jobs. The program – which is staffed by veterans – provides comprehensive case management and vocational services, networking opportunities, and assistance in navigating the wide array of available social service programs. For more information, visit experiencegoodwill.org/veteransservices.
About Goodwill Manasota
Goodwill Manasota is an industry-leading 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that changes lives through the power of work. With philanthropic donations and revenue generated by the sales of donated goods, Goodwill is able to assist people with disabilities, veterans, seniors, and those with other barriers to employment by providing jobs, job skills training, and free career services. For more information or for a listing of locations, visit experiencegoodwill.org or call 941-355-2721.

Additional Info
Media Contact : Sharon Kunkel