Children First Secures Nearly $400,000 in Grants to Empower Children and Families
Children First Secures Nearly $400,000 in Grants to Empower Children and Families
Children First, the exclusive provider of Head Start and Early Head Start services in Sarasota County, is thrilled to announce over $350,000 in recent grant funding to support its mission of strengthening children and families. These generous gifts will enhance the agency’s comprehensive services, which include early childhood education, nutrition, emotional and behavioral support, and family-strengthening programs. Key funding contributions include:
- $90,000 from the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation to fund the Early Childhood Education Nurse position, initially established with Toulmin Foundation funding in 2023. This critical role continues to enhance the health and well-being of the children and families Children First serves.
- $70,000 from Anonymous in support of the agency’s Family Strengthening program and award-winning Families First Institute.
- $50,000 from Bank of America through the Neighborhood Champions program to create pathways for economic mobility.
- $30,000 from the Dr. Samir M. Shafie Charitable Foundation in support of Children First’s comprehensive services.
- $25,000 from Anonymous to provide scholarships for children.
- $25,000 from the Harry Sudakoff Foundation to provide scholarships for children.
- $25,000 from the Roberta Leventhal Sudakoff Foundation to provide scholarships for children.
- $25,000 from the PNC Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
- $15,000 from the Suncoast Credit Union Foundation to provide scholarships for children.
- $10,000 from the Wilson-Wood Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
- $9,000 from the Harold C. & Jacqueline F. Bladel Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
- $8,400 from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County Leslie and Margaret Weller Fund and $1,600 from the Mildred Schwartz Lentini Fund for the Trauma-Informed Support program.
- $5,000 from the Bulova Gale Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
- $2,500 from the Annette J. Hagens Memorial Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
- $1,500 from Cowles Charitable Trust in support of comprehensive services.
- $1,500 from Suncoast Charities for Children to support the Full Tummies, Flourishing Minds nutrition program.
- $750 from The India Benton Lesser Foundation in support of comprehensive services.
Children First serves hundreds of economically vulnerable children and their families each year at multiple sites across Sarasota, Venice, and North Port. In addition to high-quality early childhood education, its comprehensive services include health and wellness programs, family strengthening, and the innovative Families First Institute, which offers workshops on parenting, career readiness, and personal development.
About Children First:
Founded in 1961 and ranked in the top 1% out of over 1,800 Head Starts nationwide, Children First strengthens children and families by improving the quality of their lives through a comprehensive approach to development, education, health, and well-being. At multiple sites throughout Sarasota County, Children First offers full-day preschool, infant and toddler care, and nutrition and health care assistance to children ages birth to five years old from low-income families. Through Children First, the children receive the social and cognitive skills needed to enter kindergarten and elementary school on track. For more information, call (941) 953-3877 or go to